Donate to Trinity Sportsman Ministries
We believe the Lord put a dream in our hearts to have a permanent home where TSM could minister to families and point them toward Christ. To give pastors and missionaries a place to get away to hunt, fish and reconnect with the God they serve. We don’t know where that place will be, but we are willing to go when he provides. The money provided through this fundraiser will go toward the current mission through our archery and fishing programs. Anything extra will be committed toward investing wisely to eventually buying acreage to fulfill God’s vision for this ministry.
If the Lord blesses you this next year and you feel led to give additionally toward the “Land Project” please consider donating through our website or mailing a check to:
Trinity Sportsman Ministry
723 Russell Dr.
Plant City, Fl. 33563
”Land Project” TSM is a 501c3 organization and all donations are tax deductible.

- Hunting Land.. TSM is in need for property to lease in order to provide hunts for our youth and families that attend our clinics.
- Hunting Stands, Feeders and general hunting supplies…..
- Tractor and tractor 3 point hitch implements